
So, as I am sitting here waiting for the sputtercoater to rev up; it occured to me that I need to still pick up those full tanks from the East Loading Dock. [I bet I can't write another song with that in it..."sitting on the east loading dock, sitting till it's 8 o'clock, watchin' the trucks drive away"] Who knows, it could work? Granted I had anytime to work out the rhymes--oooo---speaking of rhymes, on the metro yesterday I could not get Dr. Seuss's, Oh the Places You'll go out of my head.

Seriously, I thought the guy standing next to me was going to cut my larynx out. Granted I was bobbing my head back and forth and dancing to Troublemaker by Akon, but for all he knew I was reciting aloud various clips and phrases from that poem. Oh yes, it was quite a sight, but this really cute guy was like "you made my day!" as he was leaving the car at White Flint. Anyways, I have just began the cycle on the sputtercoater, so in like 15-20 minutes the samples will be coated and then I can return to the main lab and finish editing today's quota of diatoms!

I totally forgot my harddrive yesterday, so I ended up finishing the imaging for Erin, one of Doug Owsley's post doc's. It is really interesting that its' my job to take pictures documenting the crystals [which the researcher's think is brushite] found on bone fragments from a vault in Congressional Cemetary. Once I had finished with the R. ulna, I proceeded with the other crystal samples--then edited and burned a cd. Today, I signed up to use the Phillips environmental SEM for tomorrow afternoon to further examine the crystalline structures.

My samples are almost done coating and one of our student researchers' just told me something a bit disturbing, so off I go to finish up down here in the lab. I should probably clean up the counter a bit because Scott gets back tomorrow--yeah!! I have the coolest boss ever, ya know ya'll are jealous. I'll try to write soon!

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