
Yea yea..i know I stink at remembering but ya know its' not so bad when you consider the alternative

Man, I really suck at updating this thing, but have no fear when I leave for Aussieland there will be a sister blog to this one. For those of you who don't know I am Australia bound more specifically to Sydney come Feb. 11th 2010. Am I excited? Heck Yes...though a bit nervous too. Some people in my family believe that I ran from home to go to undergrad in upstate NY, but the truth is I totally went for the escape to a new life-experience--I wanted to go to a place no one knew me/judged me; let me tell you so far the decision has paid off. I met tons of new people and had a chance to experience a lot of new and exciting things...like garbage plates eww..ok not the best example, but you get the point. If you are one of those kids out there trying to figure out where to go to school, then my best advice is to go where you feel like you can make a difference. Even if its' only a small impact, for instance joining a co-ed honor fraternity or even an obnoxious, yet awesomely exciting group of hockey fans. Do college for yourself not your parents; what you do with your life should always start with you first and foremost...don't let anyone pressure into anything. My only regret is that I didn't take a year off to travel, but I guess that's what life post grad is for, the plan you may be wondering is this: get my Masters in Applied Science and Microscopy then apply for my Doctorate, also at USYD!!
The dream may seem lofty to you, but that is where I have decided to set my bar for now, but knowing me I may raise it to the stars or even shoot for the moon. I started out a little differently than I had intended that to go, but its all good for now. Work, you say? Work is awesome-I'm not kidding I am having the time of my life; yes it can be frustrating at times. But if life was as smooth as a summer breeze--would I really be learning anything? I mean seriously I learn something new every single day...its like being back at college except I don't have any homework or exams--except for the practical applications of the job whether it be photography related or not. Ya, know I wonder if somewhere out in that big black nothing if a bunch a men and women are playing some big game of chess, and we are all assigned as the pawns, rooks, knights, bishops, etc. No, I haven't lost my mind and yes, I know its' strange, but that thought is always in the back of my mind. Back to work--what have I been doing...well, the computer that's connected to the Zeiss scope I work on died in a fire, not really but the RAID failed and corrupted the comp. making everything just a big pile o' poo. One of the IT guys here at SI, rebuilt the comp from scratch[he's my hero...shh...don't tell anyone!], now its' back to ground zero recalibrating the scope and reloading all of the software. Whilst the whole cataclysmic event happened I researched a back up Dell laptop via Q-imaging and our Dell rep. After 2 weeks, I had compiled a sufficient spec for a back-up system if this were to ever occur again. [I really hope it doesn't!] I have also been working on shots for the Peer Awards 2009 and of course editing diatoms/algae, and of lately scanning 'chromes for Dr. Laughlin.
What's been going on most recently? Like this past weekend I attended a beautiful tribute service to the epic Jessie Cohen, a photographer for the National Zoo, whom passed away this past October from a relapse in Breast Cancer. Mehgan Murphy helped organize the who tribute is was truly remarkable and I would even say uplifting. It gave everyone a chance to remember all the good memories we had with Jessie. She was truly a remarkable woman!! G-d Bless her soul, she will be deeply missed. I am now the proud new owner of two of her pictures, one of a red panda and the other of an orange frog on a white background. I can't wait to hang them up in my apt!! Saturday night was Barb's 50th birthday party and it was supposed to be a surprise, but that was a no-go oops! So, awesome food with Peruvian potatoes, yummy venison/cheese/floury goodness made by Barrett--oh and the cake...delicious. My fav would have to be the yummy pineapple and the sweet strawberries that Judith brought; oh yeah Judith is back in the country but she is mighty jet-lagged. See what I have to look forward to....22 hrs to Sydney via LAX woot! Sunday, I was lazy, but I did clean the apt/wash dishes etc.
I go home tomorrow night woot woot!! Plans for tonight = shower [ok, tmi, sry], din-din, New Moon with Scotty Boy (best cuz ever), packing then sleepage, shootage/workage then FL till the 30th!! Whose excited, you know it! Oh I almost forgot M.&M. passed away on Nov. 4th so this post is dedicated to his loyalness [14 yrs in fact, he was and will always be my best friend and first puppy] We've got JD now, but I will save his tale for a future post. I gotta jet, tootles my friends. I thought I'd try something new, last words:
I could not, at any age, be content to take my place by the fireside and simply look on. Life was meant to be lived. Curiosity must be kept alive. One must never, for whatever reason, turn his back on life.
---Who said It?

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