
I'm Back!!!!!!!

So a lot has changed since the last time that I have posted, for instance I graduated college in May with a BS in Biomedical Photographic Communications with a minor in Archaeology. I am currently living in Rockville, Maryland and working at the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History as a contract photographer for the Department of Botany and Smithsonian Photographic Services.

I found out not too long ago that I received an offer from University of Sydney in Australia to go there for graduate school. Classes start March 1st, 2010. I am super excited; I will be studying for a Masters in Applied Science and Microscopy. The program is 11 months long; so all you viewers will have to keep in touch. I really hope that after I complete my Masters, that I will be granted a chance to get my Doctorate.

At work, I am still post-processing the type diatoms and soon will begin digitizing the algal collections. As of right now, I am working on a project for a post-doc of Owsley's--photographing brushite & bones with an Olympus SZX12 set-up.

POETS!?! tonite, wahoo--then steak/salad and scanning old negatives

Until next time,


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