
FolkLife Fest starts Wednesday...ahhhhhh!!!

Party like a ROCKSTAR!!!!!

Friday: June 20th = Day off #1 freakin' amazing....i slept in late....i read my book out in the sun for 4.5 hrs and got interrupted by stupid ants....and then I lounged around the house and dealt with uber drama...that spread like the black plague around our lovely household

Saturday: June 21st = JJ's trip to the National Zoo, of which I took the metro to the Addams Morgan/Woodley Park zoo station...walked uphill 1 mile and arrived at a busy and highly crowded zoo. Many of the habitats were under construction which was a bit disappointing, but since its free there is no telling how many times i will go back and then see what has reopened and changed. I saw the panda bears, the red pandas, the red-ruffed lemurs, and the pygmy hippo that was sitting on the stairs, and so many more animals. My least favorite part of the zoo besides the fact that it was like 100 degrees F outside was the orb weave spiders exhibit...its' open--no glass, wires, of anything or sort...creepy my hand was in the exhibit!! After taking pictures and looking at everything I walked into Addams Morgan and then took a metro home. I slept and rested the rest of the evening including reading my book.

Sunday: June 22nd I went to Eastern Market to get a loaf of potato bread--but i should mention my epic exploration walk past 7th street and to the Marine Barracks & the Navy Yard...guys reading this avert your eyes and close those ears...because damn no man could ever compare to the men i saw in uniform--my jaw dropped, i hung up on my friend because i was gosh darn distracted by the smexy-ness that passed before me. I found a card shop, a craft store, a blockbuster, a dunkin doughnuts/baskin robbins, a really cool home/gift store called Homebody--similar to Apples to Zinnias in Winter Park, Florida, and an Irish Pub! Good times!! I walked home then read some more andoh yeah updated the blog and then at 9 pm we had our first house meeting..i still have no roommate, but i think i am happy about this...no one can annoy me yet so...

Monday: June 23rd I got up at 7:15 am and was out the door at 7:30 am--I met the breakfast club at 8:05 am and stepped in a gigantic hole on my way to work...the sidewalk is under construction and the crew forgot to put caution tape around the big-ass [pardon my French] hole in the ground so naturally i ended up in the hole...long story short i found an earthworm and a rock in my shoe when i got home this afternoon. This morning i assisted John Steiner in the new Ocean's Hall in the Natural History museum and then at 10:25 am found Joe, Jim, and Ken in the Rose room which is aka the anthropology seminar room and then waited for the other interns and photographer's to arrive. Pizza and drinks were served and Hugh Talman, Joe's dad gave a presentation of past Folklife work and expectations/run-through's. After the meeting i finished inputing the proper metadata to the files and then converted the color tifs to bw using the new filter in CS3. Around 5 pm Iheaded home to beat the rain...it poured on me and then i ate dinner and talked with the roomies...made some phone calls and plans for this weekend and right this second I am going to stop blogging-read- then fall asleep.

Much Love and thank you Mema, Popeye, & Mom for providing me the opportunity to live in DC this summer...I know I don't always say this as much as I should, but I love you guys and am very appreciative of all that you continue to do for me. Peace out!! :o)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

jaybird..you rock our world and love you! We get so much happiness from you...because you are you...