
Sex and the City

Sex and the City Take 1:

Alas to my dismay our entire house is girls girls girls! But the Swiss family Robinson we shall be. The oldest gal is 23 and so far the youngest is 20. After mom left, I walked back to the house...a couple of the girls went to mass and then at 2:30 we left to go see Sex and the City starring Sarah Jessica Parker at Union Station. The theater was retro and had really comfy black leather chairs and it kind of smelled like diapers. The movie was really long, but well worth the $7.50 matinee price. After the movie we hurried back because it looked like it was going to storm pretty bad. When we walked thorough the door we discovered we had a new roommate..shocker...it was another girl! I went to the market and bought some eggs, potatoes, and a bag of little kisses. I really wanted something sweet and a pint of ice cream is like $5.00; which is not in the budget right now. Then after shopping I made a sandwich for dinner and afterwards went for a walk to the National Mall with Dana, the new housemate. We got back about an hour ago and now that I've blogged today's happenings...I'm going to go pack my lunch for tomorrow and bring my stuff upstairs. Love ya'll and write me letters...despite what my mom says I might actually write you back or at least mention you in this fantastic blog! The first one to guess what the name of my blog means gets a signed free print of anyone of my photographs!! [Mom, you are not allowed to guess...sry]

Much Love as always,


Cindy said...

Awesome Blog JJ! And yes, I have the answer to your mystery question!

Anonymous said...

so....no body knows the answer... What does it mean???? :-)
